"Greening a City ... And Pushing Other Colors Out"
The rehabilitation of San Francisco's Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is bringing pressure on the minority population of the area.
The rehabilitation of San Francisco's Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is bringing pressure on the minority population of the area.
Prepared by a large coalition of government agencies and NGOs, the report generally focuses on the condition of bird species in each of the broad habitat types, as well as the roles of various federal and state agencies and the relationships of species survival on public vs. private lands.
The "MyPropertyInfo" online tool will search multiple EPA databases for any information related to a specific street address. Or it will search for all records on a given street in a given ZIP code.
Last year's grant winners have efforts under way, so reporting can focus on progress that is being made, or not. Reporting on the new winners, announced in mid-April 2011, can inform the community about what is in the works, who is in charge, and what future benchmarks can be used to see if the money is being well spent.