Economy & Business

US Is Making A Lot Less Off Drilling On Public Lands Than It Should Be

"WASHINGTON –- The federal government isn't doing enough to ensure it collects a 'fair return' for the oil and gas that companies produce from public lands, in part due to policies on revenues for onshore drilling that are nearly a century old, according to a critical report on the Department of the Interior released Tuesday."

Source: Huffington Post, 12/18/2013

OR, WA Coal Export Terminals Threatened By Falling Asian Prices

"Three years ago, coal was hot. Stoked by insatiable coal-fired Chinese power plants, international demand boomed. Prices soared. Phones rang frequently at Oregon and Washington ports. On the other end? Eager investors hoping to snatch up land to build export terminals to quench Asian demand. How things have changed."

Source: Portland Oregonian, 12/16/2013

"Unrealized, Unforeseen Environmental Results Of NAFTA"

"When the U.S., Canadian, and Mexican governments were negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement back in the 1990s, environmentalists warned that it would create a race to the bottom: Countries would compete to gut environmental rules to attract businesses. But by and large, those fears were not realized. Still, the trade deal had other unforeseen environmental consequences."

Source: NPR, 12/09/2013

Corporations Spy on Environmental Nonprofits: Report

The report documents the startling breadth of corporate spying on nonprofit groups that oppose corporate policies — especially environmental groups. Much of the spying is done by contractors using former government security agency employees — and some is done with complicity or help from the FBI or CIA.

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