
July 11, 2013

Webcast from the XXth Regular Session of the CEC Council

Join Mexican, Canadian, and US high-level government environment officials for a live, webcast town hall discussion on transportation and the environment as part of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s 2013 Council Session.


"California Urges Record $2.5 Billion Fine for Natural Gas Blast"

"Pacific Gas and Electric Co. could face a record fine for a deadly 2010 natural gas pipeline explosion in a San Francisco suburb. Officials hope it will help prevent future accidents while some warn that rising natural gas demand is outpacing investment in energy infrastructure."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 05/08/2013

Climate, Herbicide May Doom 'Great Migration' of Monarch Butterflies

"...Over the past couple of years, the number of monarch butterflies that reach the Mexican sanctuaries has been declining, generating concern among rural communities that rely on spillovers of butterfly tourism activities, as well as entomologists, biologists, ecologists and monarch aficionados around the world. ..."


Source: ClimateWire, 03/29/2013


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