
"Kenya Gasoline Blast Kills at Least 61"

"Nairobi, Kenya, and Johannesburg -- More than 60 people died Monday in a densely populated Nairobi slum after an explosion and fire caused by gasoline from a leaking pipe. At least 116 badly burned people, many of them children, were taken to hospitals. Many were not expected to survive, as medical staff struggled with shortages of blood for transfusions."

Source: LA Times, 09/13/2011

No Water No Life

Founded in 2006 by SEJ member Alison M. Jones, No Water No Life photography teams document historic, current and potential management issues of six case-study watersheds: North America’s Columbia, Mississippi and Raritan River Basins and northeastern Africa’s Nile, Omo and Mara River Basins.

January 31, 2024

DEADLINE: Overseas Press Club of America Awards

Honors several classes of foreign affairs reporting with certificates and $1,000 awards. $200 entry fee. Deadline: Jan 31, 2024.


"Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile"

Egypt's 80 million people have always depended on the Nile River. Under a 1929 treaty, 80 percent of the river's flow is reserved for Egypt and Sudan, which were then ruled as a single country. Now the seven upstream countries (Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda) want to revise the treaty, calling it an unfair relic of colonialism.

Source: NYTimes, 09/27/2010


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