
"Dirty Waters: Cashing in on Ocean Pollution"

"The cruise line industry relies on pristine oceans, beautiful coral reefs and marine life to draw millions of travelers on cruise vacations each year. But the same ships that advertise excursions to untouched ocean scenery are threatening these very same natural resources with their standard practice of flushing harmful toxins, mostly as sewage and food waste, into the ocean."

Source: DC Bureau, 01/19/2010

SEJournal Winter 2009-10, Vol. 19 No. 4

In this issue: SEJ's birth and 20 years of conferences; 'Letting the cards talk'; An expansive investigation’s key lesson: Think Big; It can be dangerous being an e-journalist in the digital age; Top universities rethink how to prepare e-beat journalists; Board election draws many candidates, record votes; Notes on nature can be a telling scientific record of home; A newbie’s advice on getting started with video; President's Report, Media on the Move and book reviews.

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