
Farm Policies Could Reduce Nitrogen Pollution

"Manure is nitrogen rich, which makes it a great fertilizer. But by applying every last bit of ma nure to their fields, California dairy farmers—and non-dairy farmers as well—are dosing their crops with more nitrogen than the plants can absorb. The excess nitrogen is causing serious air and water pollution problems and may even be threatening the health of the soil."

Source: Grist, 02/22/2010

"Obama Decisions on Wildlife Raising Environmentalists' Ire"

"During his first year in office, President Barack Obama won praise from environmental groups for a wide range of decisions, ... But now there's grumbling on his green flank. A growing number of environmentalists are clashing with the administration over its management of America's struggling wildlife populations and what they call its reluctance to use the nation's most powerful environmental law, the Endangered Species Act, to stand up to industry."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 02/22/2010


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