Water & Oceans

March 12, 2012 to March 17, 2012

6th World Water Forum

Taking place in Marseille, France, the Forum aims to generate concrete solutions to issues of access to water and sanitation, in particular through the launch of an online solutions platform.

Topics on the Beat: 

"As ‘Yuck Factor’ Subsides, Treated Wastewater Flows From Taps"

"SAN DIEGO — Almost hidden in the northern hills, the pilot water treatment plant here does not seem a harbinger of revolution. It cost $13 million, uses long-established technologies and produces a million gallons a day. But the plant’s very existence is a triumph over one of the most stubborn problems facing the nation’s water managers: if they make clean drinking water from wastewater, will the yuck factor keep people from accepting it?"

Source: NY Times, 02/10/2012

SEJ's 22nd Annual Conference Coverage

Oct. 17-21, 2012 in Lubbock. Find multimedia coverage here. It's never too late to send us your story links for inclusion. If you attended the conference, we would love your feedback; please complete our online survey. The Texas Observer published on Dec. 11 a deeply flawed story about SEJ's 2012 conference. Please go here for SEJ's formal response through letters to the Observer's editor and publisher, from SEJ President Don Hopey and Board Member Roger Witherspoon, setting the record straight, as well as replies received from Texas Observer editor Dave Mann. © Photo: Communicating Climate Change plenary by Lindsey Hoshaw.



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