Water & Oceans

Will EPA Go Further in Pushing Fracking Fluid Disclosure?

The agency is exploring some of its legal options for improving transparency about fracking fluid. One sign that EPA might be thinking of using its existing Clean Water Act legal authority came when the publication DeSmogBlog published on May 28 a leaked EPA draft suggesting it was considering doing precisely that.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 2, 2014 to June 30, 2014

Climate Science Connections: Water in the West

This free interactive and self-paced course is built around panel discussions with hydrologists, policy makers, engineers, and science educators. In the course we explore challenges for water management in the Western US both at a large scale — using the Colorado River Basin Watershed as an example — and at small scale – using the Boulder Creek watershed as an example where flooding occurred on the heels of drought and wildfire damage.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Drilling and Water Interests Clash on Disposal Wells"

"In the heart of Texas' mineral-rich Eagle Ford Shale, freshwater isn't the only precious resource for both oil companies and local communities. Brackish groundwater aquifers are also becoming increasingly valuable — as potential drinking water supplies, and also as locations for disposing wastewater from drilling and hydraulic fracturing."

Source: Texas Tribune, 05/22/2014


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