Natural Resources

"Interior Secretary Proposes Shrinking Four National Monuments"

"BEARS EARS NATIONAL MONUMENT, Utah — Parts of this sprawling region of red-rock canyons and at least three other national monuments would lose their strict protection and could be reopened for new mining or drilling under proposals submitted to President Trump by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Thursday, according to congressional aides and others who have been briefed on the report."

Source: NY Times, 08/25/2017

Trump Team Goes To Bat for NRA-Backed Bill, Nixes Park Service Concerns

"The National Park Service has several big problems with NRA-backed legislation that would restrict the agency from regulating hunting and fishing within park boundaries. But according to a leaked memo obtained by McClatchy, the Trump administration has so far prevented the parks from voicing such concerns."

Source: McClatchy, 08/24/2017
October 13, 2017

Tree Canopy Conference: Green Infrastructure in the Urbanized Environment

With an alarming spread of blights, infestations, and extreme weather affecting trees, Morris Arboretum at University of Pennsylvania is holding a one-day event in Haverford (a suburb of Philadelphia) to discuss the challenges facing and successful strategies available to communities responsible for maintaining a healthy tree canopy.


"The West’s Latest Mining Frenzy? Extraterrestrial Gold."

"Companies are hunting for lithium near Moab, Utah." "White Oil, Oro Blanco, Extraterrestrial Gold: lithium, the lightweight element key to rechargeable batteries, has recently acquired a slew of hyperbolic nicknames. As the demand for electric cars, laptops and smartphones has surged, the search is on for more domestic sources of this energy-critical element."

Source: High Country News, 08/14/2017


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