Environmental Health

"Corruption, Climate Could Trigger Water Wars: UN Report"

"NEW YORK – Cleaning up widespread corruption in the water supply industry is crucial to avert looming water conflicts born of desperation, warns a new United Nations report based on case studies in 10 countries.

“In many places … corruption is resulting in the hemorrhaging of precious financial resources,” siphoning an estimated 30 percent of funds earmarked for water and sanitation-related improvements, the report states.

Source: ENS, 02/25/2015

"Chikungunya Thrives with Climate Variability in the Caribbean"

"TRINIDAD - Jenny had gone to bed feeling well, but an hour into her sleep she suddenly awoke with a 'stiff, cramping pain' behind one knee. Within the next hour the pains had multiplied and both knees began to lock, followed by stiffened fingers and pains in her chest, along with a fever."

Source: IPS, 02/24/2015

Fracking Firms Distort Science To Deceive Public, Policymakers: Group

"The oil and gas industry sponsors and spins research to shape the scientific debate over horizontal hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. That's the conclusion of a watchdog group's analysis of more than 130 documents distributed to policymakers by industry representatives."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/23/2015

Arsenic, Nitrates Among Pollutants in California Drinking Water: Report

"California’s public drinking water systems violated safety levels for contaminants more than 1,000 times during the 2012-2013 fiscal year says a report that cites high levels in some water systems of arsenic, nitrates and other pollutants."

Source: Reuters, 02/19/2015


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