Environmental Health

InsideClimate News Wins Scripps Howard Award for Exxon Exposé

An investigative team at InsideClimate News, including SEJ member Lisa Song, won for their series, "Exxon: The Road Not Taken," today (March 8, 2016). The series documented that Exxon's own research confirmed the role of fossil fuels in causing global warming decades ago — although the company's top execs went on to fund denial of climate science and lead efforts to block solutions.


Superbugs From Hospitals Get Stronger In Sewers, May End Up In Pacific

The sewage that flows from Southern California may contain deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead of removing them, the sewage collection and treatment system may offer a "luxury hotel" where the superbugs can proliferate before sewage is released to the Pacific.

Source: LA Times, 03/08/2016

Cosmetics Key In Teens' Exposure to Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

"Using cosmetics and personal care products that don’t contain certain hormone-disrupting ingredients for only three days, women can significantly reduce their exposure to these chemicals, according to a study published today in Environmental Health Perspectives."

Source: Earth Island Journal, 03/08/2016

Water Utilities in U.S. Cities Use Tests That Downplay Contamination

"Water utilities in some of the largest cities in the US that collectively serve some 12 million people have used tests that downplay the amount of lead contamination found in drinking water for more than a decade, a Guardian analysis of testing protocols reveals."

Source: Guardian, 03/07/2016

"AP Poll: Americans Divided On Safety Of US Drinking Water"

"When it comes to water, only about half of Americans are very confident in the safety of what's flowing from their tap, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll, which found that trust is even weaker among minorities and people with lower incomes."

Source: AP, 03/07/2016


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