Climate Change

EPA Supporter Narrowly Beats Coal Messenger in Va. Gov. Race

"Voters in Virginia narrowly elected Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor over Republican Ken Cuccinelli II, who differed among other things on the future of the state's coal industry. Mr. McAuliffe supported new EPA regulations on power plants that will make it difficult for new coal plants to be bought."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 11/06/2013

"Virginia Governor Race Draws Big Spending From Environmental Groups"

"WASHINGTON -- Environmentalists are poised to become the second-biggest contributor to the effort to elect Democrat Terry McAuliffe as the next governor of Virginia, trailing only the Democratic Governors Association in spending on his campaign."

Source: Huffington Post, 11/05/2013

"Sea Change: Can Sea Life Adapt?"

"SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — The violet bottom-dwelling, prickle-backed spheres wriggling in the tank in Gretchen Hofmann’s lab aren’t really known for their speed. But these lowly sea urchins adapt so quickly they’re helping answer a question that’s key to understanding ocean acidification."

"As fossil-fuel emissions disrupt marine life, will evolution come to the rescue?"

Source: Seattle Times, 11/04/2013

Poll: Just 13 Percent Of Non-Tea Party Republicans Doubt Climate Change

"Tea Party Republicans succeeded in grinding the federal government to a halt, and they are the biggest holdouts in the face of overwhelming evidence that climate change is happening. Mainstream Republicans, however, are much less likely to reject the fact that the planet is getting hotter."

Source: Climate Progress, 11/04/2013


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