Economy & Business

Diverse Range of Experts Team Up On Wind Turbine Issue

Concerns continue to mount over the potential impact of wind-turbine blades on airborne wildlife. Hence, a consortium of experts has agreed on priorities for investigation, including turbine placement, design, and operation; aerodynamics of turbines, birds, and bats; and habitat, topography, and weather conditions.
SEJ Publication Types: 
August 12, 2009

DEADLINE: McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on Energy Solutions

This all-expenses-paid conference will convene September 20-22 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Co-hosted by the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism, the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Ohio State's Institute for Energy and the Environment, and Battelle.
October 6, 2009 to October 7, 2009

Gearing Up for a Low Carbon Economy

The Canadian Institute's conference will offer an in-depth look at how Canadian and U.S. carbon initiatives compare and contrast, and the most up-to-date carbon policy information from both sides of the border.


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