Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

June 15, 2011

DEADLINE: OWAA 2nd Annual Goldenrod Writing Workshop

Open to both novice communicators and published professionals, the Outdoor Writers Association of America workshop (Jul 31-Aug 6, 2011) in Missoula, MT is designed to improve skills in outdoor, nature and environmental writing. Enrollment is limited to 30 students and is on a first come, first served basis. Apply by June 15th (requires a $250 non-refundable deposit).

Topics on the Beat: 

USFS Releases Court-Ordered EIS for Fire Retardants

Information sessions and webinars on possible health and environmental effects of aerial-applied chemicals used to fight wildfires will be held in various locations around the country during the 45-day public comment period that ends June 27, 2011.

SEJ Publication Types: 

BUREC Predicts Climate Impacts on Western Waters

The Bureau of Reclamation report says major changes often are expected, with the magnitude varying substantially by location. The data and information provided allow you to dig into the details to some degree for the watersheds of interest to your audience.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"Pollution Fears Cloud Approval of Kennecott Expansion"

"Expanding Kennecott’s open-pit mine wouldn’t create enough air pollution to stop the copper giant from burrowing deeper into the Oquirrh Mountains. So ruled the Utah Air Quality Board in giving Kennecott Utah Copper a critical go-ahead Wednesday to enlarge its mine on the western edge of Salt Lake County — despite objections from anti-pollution advocates and a warning from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the expansion may not be approved."

Source: Salt Lake Tribune, 05/06/2011

BLM Invites More Public Comment for New Oil Shale PEIS

Public meetings in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming from April 26 to May 5, 2011 will likely be newsy events, with advocates and critics representing industry, environmentalists, local governments, and other interested groups and individuals voicing their opinions.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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