"New Rules For Oil Trains Proposed By Transportation Department"

"WASHINGTON -- The Department of Transportation on Wednesday released proposed new spill-response rules for rail carriers carrying crude oil.

Under the proposed new rules, rail carriers transporting crude oil would be required to plan for the maximum amount of spillage in a derailment and would be required to provide monthly notification to state and tribal emergency responders of the number of rail cars loaded with crude oil expected to pass through an area on a weekly basis.

The information would include the routes the trains are expected to travel and a description of what hazardous materials they will be carrying."

McClatchy had the story July 13, 2016.


"Oil Trains: Railroads Will Have To Tell Local Responders Of Cargoes And Routes" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

"Feds Propose Railroads Have Plans To Deal With Oil Spills" (Associated Press)

"A Month After Mosier Derailment, New Rules To Improve Safety Of Oil Trains" (KLCC)

"Oil Trains Are Using Fewer Older Tank Cars, Official Says" (Gannett)

"Oil Tank Cars: New Legislation To Protect Communities" (Lincoln City News Guard)

"Merkley, Wyden Introduce Legislation Aimed At Oil Trains" (Oregonian)

"Do The Oil And Railroad Lobbies Have Too Much Influence On Oil Train Regulations?" (Climate Progress)

Source: McClatchy, 07/14/2016