"Mexico's Pemex Has No Record Of Reporting Methane Leak From Oilfield"

MEXICO CITY - Pemex did not inform Mexico's environmental regulator of a methane leak from at a key offshore oilfield in December, according to the state oil company's response to a freedom of information request, which confirmed an earlier Reuters report that the regulator had no record of the incident.

Under Mexican law, companies need to report incidents when they pose a risk to the safety of workers, the environment, to oil and gas production, or the infrastructure for it. Experts consulted by Reuters said the leak clearly met this criteria.

Pemex did not respond to a request for comment on why they did not report the incident.

Reuters requested all records of incidents Pemex's exploration and production arm reported to the environmental regulator - and its predecessor - at the Ku-Maloob-Zaap cluster of oil fields over the past decade."

Stefanie Eschenbacher reports for Reuters October 6, 2022.

Source: Reuters, 10/07/2022