Journalism & Media

Media Play Key, Sometimes Misleading, Role in Public's View of Climate Research

The media may play a role in misleading the public, especially when journalists attempt a "false balance" in stories, giving equal treatment to climate science skeptics who question the validity of climate science studies.

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On-line Journalism Begins To Fill the Void After Newspaper World’s Decay

SEJournal's Bill Dawson interviews Environmental Health News editor-in-chief Marla Cone, who left the Los Angeles Times in 2008, after almost two decades. Since then, Cone has overseen a number of major changes at the not-for-profit online publication.

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"Despite Obama's Lofty Words, Scientific Integrity Rules Are Lagging"

"Last March, President Obama promised he'd have a strategy for restoring scientific integrity to the federal government on hand by July 29. A full year later, federal agencies still have not received any new directives and some government scientists say that conditions have not improved noticeably since Obama took power."

Source: Huffington Post, 07/12/2010


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