Journalism & Media

"Corruption Watchdogs Have a Hot New Blogger: Jack Abramoff"

"Holy Indian reservation roulette wheels Batman! The newly launched Republic Report, an anti-corruption blog focusing on how self-interested dollars are warping the public-interest responsibilities of America's democratic institutions has actually hired convicted felon Jack Abramoff to be one of its lead bloggers."

Source: Atlantic, 02/07/2012

GOP Handcuffs Filmmaker at Frack Hearing for 'Practicing Journalism'

"WASHINGTON -- In a stunning break with First Amendment policy, House Republicans directed Capitol Hill police to detain a highly regarded documentary crew that was attempting to film a Wednesday hearing on a controversial natural gas procurement practice. ...

Source: Huffington Post, 02/02/2012
September 9, 2024

DEADLINE: Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) Grants

FIJ awards grants up to $10,000 for stories that break new ground and expose wrongdoing in the public and private sectors. Next deadline is Sep 9/24. Plus, seed grants (May 10), expedited grants for urgent stories, follow-up grants for timely stories after initial investigations and emergency grants for stories on threats to democracy in the U.S (rolling).


"BP Oil Spill: Emails Reveal Company Veiling Spill Rate"

"NEW ORLEANS -- On the day the Deepwater Horizon sank, BP officials warned in an internal memo that if the well was not protected by the blow-out preventer at the drill site, crude oil could burst into the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of 3.4 million gallons a day, an amount a million gallons higher than what the government later believed spilled daily from the site."

Source: Huffington Post, 01/30/2012

"Waning Support for Wind and Solar"

"Assisted by technological innovation and years of subsidies, the cost of wind and solar power has fallen sharply — so much so that the two industries say that they can sometimes deliver cleaner electricity at prices competitive with power made from fossil fuels. At the same time, wind and solar companies are telling Congress that they cannot be truly competitive and keep creating jobs without a few more years of government support."

Source: NY Times, 01/27/2012

"STUDY: The Press And The Pipeline"

"A Media Matters analysis shows that as a whole, news coverage of the Keystone XL pipeline between August 1 and December 31 favored pipeline proponents. Although the project would create few long-term employment opportunities, the pipeline was primarily portrayed as a jobs issue. Pro-pipeline voices were quoted more frequently than those opposed, and dubious industry estimates of job creation were uncritically repeated 5 times more often than they were questioned.

Source: Media Matters, 01/27/2012


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