Environmental Politics

Credibility, Openness Issues Arise as Nuclear Crisis Deepens

"The chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was invited to the White House briefing today to assure Americans that they had nothing to fear from the nuclear radiation coming out of Japan's damaged reactors and that the nuclear reactors in the United States were safe. When he was finished taking questions there was very little reassurance on either front." In Japan, residents are beginning to wonder whether they can trust government reassurances that radiation levels present little threat to human health.

Source: CBS News, 03/15/2011

"Greens Slam EPA Over Exemption for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data"

"U.S. EPA's plan to give businesses another three years to show how they calculate their greenhouse gas emissions will weaken the agency's new reporting requirements and could be illegal, environmental groups said before yesterday's deadline to comment on the proposal."

Source: Greenwire, 03/10/2011


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