Environmental Politics

Keystone XL: Haste, Inexperience Hampered State Dept. Review

"Earlier this year, top officials with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy and the Department of Justice hauled a handful of senior State Department officials into a White House meeting. The gathering was the governmental equivalent of being called into the principal's office."

Source: HuffPo, 11/04/2011

Protestors To 'Occupy Koch Brothers' in DC Today as Cain Speaks

As GOP presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Hermain Cain speak to the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity Foundation Friday, hundreds of protesters plan to rally against the billionaire brothers who bankroll anti-environmental causes. The Koch-Cain connection is the nexus of an evolving political scandal over alleged improper management of campaign funds by Cain's smoking campaign manager, Mark Block.

Source: Forbes, 11/04/2011

Loss of Coast Zone Program Hurts Alaska's Beluga Whale Case

"Back in February, the Parnell administration told a judge that Cook Inlet beluga whales didn't need the protection of the federal Endangered Species Act because the state was perfectly capable of protecting them itself, in part because of the Alaska Coastal Management Program. But in a notice belatedly filed in the case Friday, the Alaska attorney general's office acknowledged the state had lost that conservation and enforcement tool four months ago."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 11/01/2011


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