Energy & Fuel

February 6, 2012

AJC NY Presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Controversy

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) NY Energy Committee presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Debate - Balancing the benefits of accessing shale assets with the importance of implementing effective measures to protect the environment. 5:30 p.m. with light refreshments.



"California Air Board To Vote on Landmark Electric-Car Rules"

"In a move that could reshape the American automobile industry, California regulators Thursday are expected to approve sweeping new rules requiring that 15 percent of new cars sold in California by 2025 run on electricity, hydrogen or other systems producing little or no smog."

"The regulations by the California Air Resources Board, dubbed the 'advanced clean car rules,' would start in 2018, ramping up each year and ultimately resulting in 1.4 million 'zero emission' vehicles on California roads by 2025. Today there are only about 10,000 such vehicles in the state. ...

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 01/26/2012

Some Secret CRS Reports You May Want To Read

Here, courtesy of the Federation of American Scientists, are some recent Congressional Research Service backgrounders that may be useful to environment/energy reporters, on chemical facility security, nuclear power plant design and seismic safety considerations, and proposed Keystone XL pipeline legal issues.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Obama Vows Disclosure of Toxic Fracking Secrets on Federal Land

Most current fracking operations happen on non-federal lands. But on federal lands, things are different — Obama intends to require disclosure of fluids as a condition of new leases for fracking on federal lands. If it takes place, this could push the ingredient lists further into the open.

SEJ Publication Types: 

E-Mail: White House Ordered Scientists To Lowball BP Spill Rate Estimate

The e-mail pressuring agency scientists was written by USGS Director Marcia McNutt, and was never meant to be made public. Against strong agency resistance, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility forced disclosure of the e-mail with a Freedom-of-Information-Act lawsuit.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Shale Gas a Bridge to More Global Warming"

"UXBRIDGE, Canada -- Hundreds of thousands of shale gas wells are being "fracked" in the United States and Canada, allowing large amounts of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas, to escape into the atmosphere, new studies have shown. Shale gas production results in 40 to 60 percent more global warming emissions than conventional gas, said Robert Howarth of Cornell University in New York State."

Source: IPS, 01/25/2012

"Enviros Ask Kentucky Lawmakers To Consider Coal's Health Impact"

"Kentucky's leaders should consider the health hazards of mining, moving and burning coal as they craft the state's energy policy, an environmental group said Tuesday.

The Kentucky Environmental Foundation, based in Berea, released a 44-page 'health-impact assessment' on coal and sent copies to Gov. Steve Beshear and the General Assembly.

Source: McClatchy, 01/25/2012


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