Climate Change

"Texas Loses Third Try at Blocking EPA Greenhouse Gas Controls"

"A federal appeals court today denied the state of Texas' third attempt to block implementation of greenhouse gas control measures imposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the largest sources of emissions -- power plants and refineries. Texas has many of both types of facilities -- 27 refineries and 19 operating coal-fired power plants."

Source: ENS, 01/13/2011

CIA Forms Semi-Secret Unit on Climate and Security

Is it a security risk for the American public to find out the risks presented by climate change? A recent story on the Central Intelligence Agency's Center on Climate Change and National Security by the Medill National Security Reporting Project was noteworthy in that all of its sources were unnamed.

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Topics on the Beat: 

A Smear Campaign Against Jane Mayer After Koch Exposé?

The media blog Gawker thinks it has uncovered a campaign to discredit the New Yorker writer after her August 2010 story on billionaires Charles and David H. Koch, who have secretly funded attacks on government regulations and bankrolled efforts to discredit settled climate science.

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"Why the CIA Is Spying on a Changing Climate"

CIA intelligence analysts have focused more intensely in the past year on a threat to national security they find highly worrisome: geopolitical chaos caused by climate change. Speaking on background, they say the U.S. is frighteningly unprepared. The CIA analysts must stay anonymous, because the public is not supposed to know.

Source: Medill/McClatchy, 01/10/2011


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