
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

April 29, 2013 to April 30, 2013

Slow Money 4th National Gathering

This event features dozens of food entrepreneurs who are leading the way rebuilding local food systems around the country, along with many renowned thought leaders in agriculture, investing and philanthropy. Early bird rates available.


"Who’s Running Down RGGI?"

New Jersey is pulling out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and three other states may follow. Why is RGGI on the ropes and who is throwing the punches? RGGI is made up of 10 northeastern states stretching from Maine to Delaware. In 2008, they banded together to form a carbon-trading program for power plants --- a market mechanism that enables utilities to buy and sell emission credits so they can meet caps on the amount of carbon they're allowed to put into the air.

Source: Living on Earth, 06/13/2011


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