Freelance Files

Finding Funders: A User’s Guide to Foundation-Backed Journalism

Public radio journalist Karen Schaefer shares how she pursued and won a grant, bumps in the road she overcame, lessons learned, and tips for unearthing funders. Photo: Schaefer on the job at a cow barn at Vander Made Farms near Sherwood, Ohio. Photo by Chris Kick, Farm and Dairy.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Juggling Chainsaws, Torches and Watermelons: How to Manage Multiple Assignments

Environmental journalist Adam Hinterthuer (pictured, estimating the circumference of an old-growth tree) shares in Freelance Files his tips for staying sane while balancing a love of writing with responsibilities as employee, father and husband.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Guyana (Or Qatar, or France): How One Freelancer Supports a Travel Addiction

Freelancer Erica Gies shares how she has created a "citizen of the world" reporting portfolio, gets paid to travel, and gains perspective on herself, her country and the common problems we all face.

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