
Bridging the Journalism/Science Divide, Professions Seek New Ways To Collaborate

Bud Ward, editor of The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media, writes about the ways for these two disciplines to get along and learn from each other — while preserving their own independence and remaining loyal to their underlying principles.

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Enterprising Stories Stand Out in Recent Disaster Coverage — From Japan to Texas

Here's a sampling of coverage of recent extreme weather disasters, with particular focus on a few of the many enterprise stories that emanated from four clusters of events — the tsunami-caused crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, drought and wildfires in Texas, death-dealing tornadoes in the Southeast and massive flooding in the Mississippi River system.

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Covering Trauma, Surviving Trauma and Gaining New Insight into How To Handle It

Miami-based radio news director Dan Grech recounts his journey covering the traumatic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, becoming homeless thanks to Hurricane Wilma, his subsequent training on trauma reporting, and shares his lessons learned with you.

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BP Blowout: Lessons from Gulf Oil Disaster

Everything from the social media’s importance to the need for a detailed disaster plan — Robert A. Thomas, professor and director of the Center for Environmental Communication, School of Mass Communication at Loyola University in New Orleans, outlines 17 take-away lessons for journalists.

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For Climate Change Reporters, Here's an Essential Reading List

Reporters new to the climate change issue and those having to immerse themselves into it while also grappling with a range of other important environmental (and, given the nature of today’s newsrooms, also non-environmental) issues might try these "must see" resources and websites.

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Gulf Oil Leak Shrouds Climate Change But Still Holds Key Issues

For journalists covering major energy- and environment-related stories and natural disasters, the visually gushing BP Gulf of Mexico oil leak easily supplanted climate change and other national stories in the steadily shrinking news hole. Yet there are striking parallels between the sudden and in-your-face Gulf BP spill and the incremental and nonlinear climate change issue.

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How the U.S. Media Fumbled "Climategate" and Other Climate Coverage

Did the American media fall short on stories about stolen/leaked scientists' emails and IPCC report errors? To gauge expert opinion on that question, SEJournal surveyed four close observers and analysts of the way that climate issues are covered.

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