"Nearly 200 Democrats Back EPA in Supreme Court Emissions Case"

"Nearly 200 Democrats are backing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “broad authority” to regulate planet-warming emissions in a Supreme Court case looking at what tools the Environmental Protection Agency can use in this endeavor.

A total of 192 Democratic lawmakers, including 29 senators and 163 House members, signed onto an amicus briefing supporting the agency.

They argue that a particular section of the Clean Air Act (CAA) was "intended to confer broad authority on the EPA to regulate and respond to both new and existing air pollutants, as needed to carry out the stated purpose of the CAA,” their filing said."

Rachel Frazin reports for The Hill January 25, 2022.


"Tech Giants, Utility Powerhouse Back EPA in SCOTUS Climate Case" (E&E News)

Source: The Hill, 01/26/2022