"Could Yellow Fever Become the Next Pandemic?"

"Health experts struggle to contain a massive outbreak of the deadly mosquito-borne infection".

"KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of the Congo — In the doorway of a one-room yellow fever ward in downtown Kinshasa, a toddler named Julia is slung over her mother’s shoulder. Moments later a nurse directs mother and child to the last vacant bed and inserts an intravenous line into the girl’s wrist. Her lemon-yellow eyes staring vacantly ahead, Julia does not flinch as the needle punctures her skin. She could be awaiting a hand massage or a manicure.

In the bed adjacent to her, 12-year-old Elohim has one knee propped up like a tent stake. His palms and the skin under his fingernails are yellow with jaundice. His gaze trails up a fluid line that coils around the bed net up to his IV bag as he watches it drain.

'Suspected case,' the 50-year-old nurse, Paul Djonga, mutters in French—jabbing his thumb over his shoulder toward the headboard where the boy is draped. 'Suspected?' I ask, certain that a diagnosis could be easily confirmed with a lab test. Djonga nods. 'They’re all only ‘suspected,’ he says. The necessary blood tests to verify a diagnosis have not been conducted."

Emily Baumgaertner reports for the Scientific American August 15, 2016.


"Outbreak Of Yellow Fever In DR Congo Could Go Global, Children's Charity Warns" (Reuters)

"Yellow Fever: Georgetown Expert Calls On Who To Reconvene Emergency Committee, Spread To Republic Of Congo" (Outbreak News Today)

Source: Scientific American, 08/16/2016