Journalism & Media

SEJ Gains Ground For Press Freedoms, Information



SEJ's efforts to roll back some of the government secrecy that has made reporters' jobs more difficult over the last decade won some ground since last year.

Working through its Freedom of Information Task Force, often with other journalism groups, SEJ's advocacy of open government posted successes on a variety of fronts. In fact, SEJ has often led the way for other groups.

Sunshine Week 2007 Audit Project

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Publishing Paradox: Environment, A Hot Topic, Addressed In Fewer Books


The new SEJ book award, along with plans for an increased emphasis on environmental books at this year's SEJ annual conference in Roanoke, VA, are reflections of an increasing interest in environmental book publishing among SEJ members. Yet trends in the national marketplace of ideas seem paradoxical.


Book Shelf, Book 3 — Listening to Cougar

Listening to Cougar

By Marc Bekoff and Cara Blessley Lowe, editors
University Press of Colorado $24.95

Reviewed by David Baron

Compared with North America's other apex predators, cougars get little respect. Whether measured by screen time on the Discovery Channel or dollars raised for their protection, wolves and grizzlies gain the lion's share of attention.

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Book Shelf, Book 1 — Wallace Stegner and the American West

Wallace Stegner and the American West

By Philip L. Fradkin
Alfred A. Knopf Publishers, $27.50

Reviewed by Laura Paskus

In his new book, Wallace Stegner and the American West, Philip L. Fradkin delves into the writer's upbringing, passions, his artistic influences and his demons.

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Book Shelf, Book 2 — Naked in the Woods

Naked in the Woods: Joseph Knowles and the Legacy of Frontier Fakery

By Jim Motavalli
$26.95 Da Capo Press

Reviewed by Bill Kovarik

Hermits and wild men of every shape and motivation have long been fixtures of world folklore. From John the Baptist to TV's Bear Grylls, survival in the wilderness has been a hallmark of integrity and, sometimes, intelligence.

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