
Jackson Memo Leaves EPA Response on Openness in Doubt

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility says the Dec. 21 memo implies that existing EPA openness policy meets White House criteria. Meanwhile, the Office of Management and Budget may again be tampering with agency science for political purposes — accused by Arizona congressman Raúl Grijalva (pictured) of censoring FOIA'd documents relating to the mid-summer estimate of Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

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EPA Issues New Information on Old and New Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Some light bulbs require special handling to reduce toxic exposures. EPA's latest guidance for old fluorescent bulbs that contain PCBs and current generation CFLs that contain mercury both provide important fodder for consumer-awareness stories.

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Op-Ed Writer Obama Targets EPA, Interior; Business Applauds

President Obama's new executive order requiring executive agencies to test regulations for balance between costs to industry and benefits to Americans drew mixed reactions. Environmentalists called it a cave-in and business lobbyists said it did not go far enough. In fact, it did not much change existing executive orders already on the books to do the same thing. Stakeholders and analysts saw it as a maneuver in a complex game of appearances and a feint that may blunt a GOP plan to do things far more radical.

Source: Guardian, 01/19/2011

Georgia Has Diverted Millions in Environmental Fees

Georgia "collected more than $30 million in fees from Georgians last year for programs designed to clean up landfills, tire dumps and hazardous sites and to improve 911 services. The governor and state lawmakers put less than $2 million of the fee revenue toward those programs."

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 01/19/2011
April 27, 2011

Minority-Serving Institutions Alternative Energy Conference

The purpose of this conference, sponsored by the US Department of Energy in Washington, DC, is to establish a Minority-Serving Institutions Consortium on Alternative Energy.



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