Environmental Health

"Warnings as Salmonella Strains Resist Antibiotics"

"Washington -- A virulent outbreak of salmonella poisoning traced to three Foster Farms chicken plants in the Central Valley has peculiar features that food safety experts said should alarm regulators and consumers alike -- in particular, the number of people who are coming down with a form of the disease that is resistant to antibiotics."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 10/16/2013

"Banning Lead Ammunition Could Give Condors a Chance"

"California's namesake condors nearly went extinct in the 1980s, and only intensive management and captive breeding efforts brought the birds back from the brink. Lead from ammunition remains a major threat to condor recovery, and a new California ban on the toxic ammunition for hunting could help protect the iconic birds, as well as other bird and mammal species."

Source: NatGeo, 10/15/2013

"39 San Diego Schools Sit in the Traffic Pollution Danger Zone"

"Along major roadways that connect the sprawling limits of San Diego County, 39 schools lie within 500 feet of smog-filled traffic corridors, a distance that air-pollution researchers believe significantly increases the risk of pediatric asthma and other respiratory illnesses."

Source: Voice of San Diego, 10/11/2013

"Chemical Weapons Watchdog Wins Nobel Peace Prize"

"LONDON -- Urging the destruction of 'an entire category' of unconventional weapons, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded its 2013 Peace Prize on Friday to a relatively modest and little-known United Nations-backed body that has drawn sudden attention with a mission to destroy Syria’s stocks of chemical arms under a deal brokered by Russia and the United States."

Source: NY Times, 10/11/2013

"Treaty Curbing Mercury Emissions Becomes International Law"

"KUMAMOTO, Japan -- Japan, where residents of Minamata suffered lethal mercury poisoning in the mid-1950s, today became one of the first countries to sign a new international treaty to reduce mercury emissions and to phase out many products containing the toxic metal."

Source: ENS, 10/11/2013


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