"The Bag Bill"
Activist Jennie Romer, a lawyer who got bills banning plastic bags from stores passed in California, moved to New York to do the same thing in New York City.
Activist Jennie Romer, a lawyer who got bills banning plastic bags from stores passed in California, moved to New York to do the same thing in New York City.
"Earth Day isn’t just an occasion to make a tiny dent in the crises hitting our planet. It’s also a day to celebrate consumerism, as evidenced by my inbox, which is overflowing with marketers who want me to write about their products."
"It’s spring, and many of us are re-discovering our local farmers' markets. But how do you know if those first-of-the-season bunches of asparagus, peas, and onions were grown by the farmer who’s selling it to you?"
"New study shows that consumption of fast food is linked to higher levels of phthalates, the chemicals used to produce many plastics."
"European politicians advised on Wednesday that the herbicide glyphosate should only be approved for another seven years, rather than the 15 proposed by the EU executive, and should not be used by the general public."
"A leading brand of home and garden pest-control products says it will stop using a class of pesticides linked to the decline of bees."
"The [Washington] state attorney general's office is taking a powerful Washington, D.C., lobby, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, to court, seeking damages over money laundering in a 2013 initiative campaign."
"More than 1,000 women are suing the company for covering up a cancer risk."
"Lead paint is making New York City’s children sick — and some landlords see it as the cost of doing business."
"Ohio's environmental regulators are proposing an overhaul of how the state and its cities deal with lead in drinking water, including speeding up notifications when lead is found at the tap."