"Death Threats Fail To Shake Climate Scientists"
"A climate change scientist who has been targeted by death threats says the science community must still continue to release the latest research."
"A climate change scientist who has been targeted by death threats says the science community must still continue to release the latest research."
"Some areas in the tropics face famine because of failing food production, an international research group says."
"Earthquake-hit Japan and many other rich nations are reaffirming pledges to give $30 billion from 2010-12 to help poor nations fight climate change despite budget cuts, a Reuters survey showed on Wednesday."
In a court agreement filed May 22, 2011, University of Virginia agreed to release documents of former U.Va. researcher/climate scientist Michael Mann. The plaintiff is American Tradition Institute, which raises funds with the slogan "Crush Gang Green and their anti-business allies."
"The record leap in global greenhouse gas emissions last year has thrown the spotlight on the world's only concerted attempt to stem the tide of global warming -- the United Nations climate negotiations."
"Canada’s fabled Northwest Passage will not open up to shipping anytime soon, according to a study that warns global warming is a double-edged sword for northern transportation."
"For Republican presidential contenders who once supported combatting global warming, the race is heating up. Faced with an activist right wing that questions the science linking pollution to changes in the Earth's climate and also disdains big government, most of the GOP contenders have stepped back from their previous positions on global warming."
UK -- "Freedom of information laws are being misused to harass scientists and should be re-examined by the government, according to the president of the Royal Society."
Most observers agree that this spring's spate of killer tornadoes is highly unusual by statistical and historical standards. After that, the disagreement starts. Is it a fluke? -- or a sign of La Nina or climate change? Why haven't better warnings helped?