
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

February 24, 2011

Free Webinar: Tackling Wicked Problems Through ‘Post-Normal’ and ‘Transition’ Science

Join a free webinar presented by Jerome Ravetz, originator of post-normal science, and SEJ member Valerie Brown, editor of Tackling Wicked Problems, who discuss the kinds of knowledge we need to tackle our ecological and social crises.


"Koch Industries Unamused by Climate Spoof"

"From the sometimes bizarre front lines of the climate-change culture wars: It seems the brothers Koch, proprietors of the giant, Kansas-based industrial conglomerate and well-heeled supporters of Tea Party causes, have now set their sights on a group of anonymous pranksters who spoofed a Koch Industries press release last month — one that suggested the brothers were having a change of heart on climate change."

Source: Green (NYT), 01/28/2011

Waxman Wants GOP Chairman To Probe Climate Skeptic’s Industry Funding

"Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, is urging committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) to probe whether a high-profile climate skeptic misled the panel about how much the petroleum industry funds his work."

Source: E2 Wire, 01/25/2011


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