"What’s Needed to Save Wolverines? A New Study Has Answers"

"Policymakers can’t hide behind a lack of research anymore when it comes to enacting meaningful conservation measures to protect dwindling wolverine populations."

"Wolverines are notoriously elusive, which has made them hard to study. And harder to protect.

Often dwelling in high mountain reaches and denning in deep snow, wolverines (Gulo gulo) prefer to stay away from people. Although evidence has long suggested their populations have declined, some scientists and policymakers have, for years, fallen back on a common trope that not enough is known about them to warrant protective action.

But a new study published in Global Ecology and Conservation flips this narrative — and renews the call for conservation.

“It turns out we actually know a lot more than we thought we did about this creature,” says Aerin Jacob, a conservation scientist at the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative."

Tara Lohan reports for The Revelator February 7, 2022.

Source: The Revelator, 02/08/2022