"House Votes To Block EPA Water Rules"

"WASHINGTON — The Republican-controlled House on Tuesday approved a bill to block the Obama administration from implementing a rule that asserts regulatory authority over many of the nation's streams and wetlands — an action that critics call a classic Washington overreach.

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a rule that it says will clarify which streams and waterways are shielded from development under the Clean Water Act, an issue that remains in dispute even after two U.S. Supreme Court rulings.

Agriculture groups and farm-state politicians call the proposed rule a power grab that would allow the government to dictate what farmers can do on their own land. They said the rule is an example of governmental interference by bureaucrats who don't know as much as farmers and ranchers do about how to be good stewards of their land."

Matthew Daly reports for the Associated Press September 9, 2014.


"Obama Administration Warns of Possible Veto If Presented Clean Water Act Bill" (McClatchy)

"White House Threatens To Veto Bill To Kill EPA Water Rule" (The Hill)

Opinion: "Don't Let Misinformation Prevail Over Clean Water" (Audubon Florida)

"Waters of the United States" page (EPA)

Source: AP, 09/10/2014