Environmental Health

Facing Suits Over Asbestos, Paper Giant Launched Secretive Research

"In the spring of 2005, Georgia-Pacific Corp. found itself facing nearly $1 billion in liability from a product it hadn’t made in nearly three decades: a putty-like building material, known as joint compound, containing the cancer-causing mineral asbestos."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 10/21/2013

"World Food Prize: Controversy Dogs Ceremony"

"This year’s World Food Prize laureates called on a hungry world to embrace the seeds they helped develop, despite controversy that threatens to limit the reach of biotech crops."

"Three researchers who played prominent roles in developing genetically modified crops — Mary-Dell Chilton of Syngenta, Robert T. Fraley of Monsanto and Marc Van Montagu of Belgium — were awarded the World Food Prize on Thursday at the Iowa Capitol. The music- and history-filled ceremony highlighted the prize’s biggest and most controversial week yet."

Source: Des Moines Register, 10/18/2013

"Warnings as Salmonella Strains Resist Antibiotics"

"Washington -- A virulent outbreak of salmonella poisoning traced to three Foster Farms chicken plants in the Central Valley has peculiar features that food safety experts said should alarm regulators and consumers alike -- in particular, the number of people who are coming down with a form of the disease that is resistant to antibiotics."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 10/16/2013

"Banning Lead Ammunition Could Give Condors a Chance"

"California's namesake condors nearly went extinct in the 1980s, and only intensive management and captive breeding efforts brought the birds back from the brink. Lead from ammunition remains a major threat to condor recovery, and a new California ban on the toxic ammunition for hunting could help protect the iconic birds, as well as other bird and mammal species."

Source: NatGeo, 10/15/2013


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