"Steyer Calls Climate Change 'Most Important International Problem'"

"Billionaire businessman and Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer said climate change is one of the biggest threats facing America, right up there with Russia and election tampering.

Speaking during the fourth Democratic primary debate Tuesday, Steyer said climate change is “the most important international problem we’re facing” and chastised debate organizers for failing to yet bring up the topic more than an hour and a half into the event.

“We can't solve the climate crisis in the United States by ourselves,” Steyer said. “It’s an international crisis, but we have to work with our allies and our frenemies around the world.”"

Miranda Green reports for The Hill October 15, 2019.


"CNN And The New York Times Skip Climate Change In The Fourth Democratic Debate" (Grist)

Source: The Hill, 10/16/2019