Military Will Keep Incinerating Toxic Firefighting Foam, Despite Risks
"The U.S. military plans to incinerate unused firefighting foam containing hazardous chemicals, even with the health and environmental risks this poses."
"The U.S. military plans to incinerate unused firefighting foam containing hazardous chemicals, even with the health and environmental risks this poses."
"A multi-agency state task force assembled to tackle a ubiquitous chemical contaminant across Michigan continues to operate under the Whitmer administration, but without a director or the executive directive that created it."
"PARCHMENT, Mich. — The day this small town told its residents to stop drinking the water, life on Glendale Boulevard turned from quiet to alarming."
"Potentially billions of dollars in damages are at stake in more than a hundred lawsuits against chemical companies, manufacturers, the U.S. military, and others for contaminating water supplies with toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, a class of more than 4,000 man-made chemicals known collectively as PFASs."
"ANN ARBOR, MI – PFAS levels in Ann Arbor’s drinking water spiked in October and city officials aren’t sure why."
"Michigan businesses are discharging high levels of PFAS that move into the state's waterways on a daily basis."
"To settle allegations that it tainted drinking water for hundreds of thousands of people in southeast North Carolina with toxic fluoroethers, Chemours has agreed to pay the state $12 million."
"A western Michigan school has begun distributing bottled water after state environmental officials said it had elevated levels of toxic industrial chemicals."
"Even as the Environmental Protection Agency has been trumpeting its efforts to find and clean up contamination from industrial chemicals known as PFAS, it has been allowing new chemicals in this class to enter into commerce, according to data from the agency."
"A firefighter is leading a class-action suit against nine manufacturers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)."