SEJ Presidents Report

Yes, You Should Run for SEJ’s Board

Busy people know how to get things done. So, when I suggest that you consider running for a seat on the board of directors of the Society of Environmental Journalists, your first reaction (“I’m far too busy!”) can be quickly countered: Busy people are known for managing their time. Read more from SEJ President Jeff Burnside.

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Press, Public Thirsty for Information, But Agencies Turning Off Spigot

People care about the information they get. But the public isn’t getting what it needs from federal and state agencies where, during crisis events and day-to-day operations, agencies work harder at controlling the information that reaches the public than they do at gathering and making it available. Read more from SEJ President Don Hopey.

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Host City for SEJ Conference Maintains Sustainable Attitude

SEJ returns to Chattanooga, Oct. 2-6, for its 23rd annual conference, this time building on and highlighting the city's sustainability theme, which has entered its second generation and garnered worldwide recognition. SEJ President Don Hopey explains.

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